OrthoSport has many years experience in the the pre-employment testing industry. All of our critical strength & mobility testing is completed by certified physical therapists. We take a new approach to testing potential employees. At OrthoSport, we test applicants based upon the actual job requirements, of the position that they are applying for. Pull-ups and push-ups are not required on job sites, so we do not administer testing with pull-ups and push-ups.
Applicants are required to perform job specific lifting, focusing on technique and endurance, skills that will be necessary once they start their job. This lifting is closely monitored by our medical staff.
Testing can be customized to meet the needs of your company. If you do not know what type of testing would be best, OrthoSport will come to your site and give recommendations based on a customized job site analysis or a physical job demands analysis.
By testing workers to find out if they possess the necessary skills to fulfill their job requirements, companies are able to dramatically reduce their rate of injury, and in turn save money on Worker’s Compensation claims.